Thursday 3 May 2012

The ill-treating of the student by fellow schoolmates

A group of learners are refusing to go to school after they
were racially abused by their fellow schoolmates.
A group of learners are refusing to return to school after they were racially abused by their fellow pupils and even their teacher.

South Africa seems to have those people who are still racist. I read a story about them (little children) and how they were mistreated by their fellow pupils as well as the teacher.

 What message does this bring to us the South Africans?

It seems there are still minority of people who still continue mistreating other people because of their colour or culture. This is not good at all and it can create chaos among the South Africans. As we South Africans, we need to take care and respect one another and show people from outside how united we are. We need to embrace our nation and show Ubuntu at all times.
This kind of treatment isn’t good at all because even those bullies wouldn’t want to be treated the way they had treated the bullied children. It’s so embarrassing to their teacher to allow such thing to happen and for her to continue doing so.  What does she teach to the little ones? She was supposed to play an example and lead those children not to ill-treat other children and treat them equally. If we South Africans continue to do so, there would not be Ubuntu and we will bring our  childrens' future at stake. So South Africans, lets think first before doing something that can harm others and/or ruin their lives. 


  1. what do you think really makes those bullies want to bully other i think is how they where treated at home like for instance abused or hated by their parents so it make them feel better to the the same to other so i might totally blame them for their behavior

  2. Some people are just selfish and want to do things their way without even taking consideration at consequences to their doings... this i dont call not having ubuntu but i call being selfish

  3. I think if we as South Africans have to unite this should start from our leaders. Without leaders leading us in a way that is motivating i dont think we can be united. They should be good leaders so people take it from them. A teacher who bullie school pupils is a good example of how other bullie students adapt from the example they get from their teacher.

  4. racism is one of the problems the South Africa is faced with i just fail to understand why we as the citizens still hates each other and judging by the colours of the skin this is so uncivilized and boring.

  5. Its really sad that little kids are racist,who do we blame for this because we have been living in freedom for more than 10 years.

  6. this type of na act to us the south african tells us that there is still apartheid moving amongst our societies.
